


2018年9月14日 — 1. 1. 安装: sudo dpkg -i VNC-Server-6.3.1-Linux-x64.deb. 1. 1. 这里写图片描述. 然后运行:vncserver. 报错提示:Error: No license keys found.

vncserver 安装SN 原创

2022年4月9日 — ... vnc-4_1_3-x86_linux.rpm即可安装完成. 3、运行vncserver命令. 会提示没有VCN注册Error: No license keys found. Run vnclicenseto apply a license key.

open vnc asking for license key

Error: No license keys found. Run vnclicense to apply a license key. [NoLicense]. Why is license required for free version? Am I doing something wrong here ...

VNC Server is not licensed

However, tonight on one of them, I am receiving this error message, when trying to connect through WiFi: VNC server is not licensed correctly. The computer has ...

Ubuntu Authentication Error

2022年6月21日 — Error: No license keys found. Run vnclicense to apply the license key associated with your Enterprise subscription. [NoLicense]. sudo ...

RealVNC Server is not licensed correctly

2024年4月1日 — If you see the following error: RealVNC Server is not licensed correctly. Connections will be prohibited until a valid subscription is...

Applying an offline license to RealVNC Connect

2024年3月13日 — If you are running VNC Server 6.x, you can use the license key with the License Wizard, at the command line or with policy. deployment_6.png ...

Signing in to VNC Server

2019年5月5日 — You can run vnclicensewiz to enter your license details. The the license menu appeared and the cloud option box as well. Also make sure you have ...


2015年12月25日 — Error: No license keys installed. Run vnclicense to install a license key. [root@localhost ~]# vnclicense -list. No license key found. [root ...

is RealVNC not free anymore?

2022年12月24日 — Terminal says: Error: No license keys found. Run vnclicense to apply the license key associated with your Enterprise subscription. [NoLicense].